quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

debate on self-paced vs group-paced progression

uc:@Processos Pedagógicos em Elearning-09
Mestrado em Pedagogia do E-Learning

Universidade Aberta 2009

summary and comments

The referee team (Eduarda, José e Pedro)

The women's group, presented in general, the main features of self-paced, which are:
The student controls the pace of learning, not being dependent on a structure or rhythm forced by someone else. The Internet is a great advantage, because it allows the student to download the materials for the activities, or to access them anytime, since they are available 24 hours a day.
In the self-paced, made the teacher has a very important role, because he guides the students through their learning process.
The men’s group defends the group paced mode. The group presented the advantages of his mode mainly by refuting the statements of the other group in favour of self-paced mode, particularly the lack of interaction and isolation that can lead to situations of lack of motivation. On the other hand, presented some of the strengths of group paced mode, including situations of working together, as they contribute greatly to learning through the sharing of ideas and mutual assistance which is almost constant, thus strengthening the motivation of actors.
In general, the women's group presented the main characteristics of self-paced, some of which are:
The student controls the pace of learning, he’s not dependent on a structure or rhythm imposed by someone. The use of the Internet is a great advantage as the students can both download the materials for their activities and have access to them at anytime, as they are available 24 hours a day.
In self-paced, the teacher has a very important role, for it is he who guides the student in their learning process.
The group of men, defender of the group-paced, chose to oppose the points made by the group of women. They highlighted the lack of interaction and isolation that can lead to situations of lack of motivation. On the other hand, they presented some of its strengths, including working in groups, as they contribute greatly to learning through the sharing of ideas and mutual assistance which is almost constant, thus strengthening the motivation of the students.
In conclusion, the women’s group has shown good arguments in defence of their model, but the same arguments are repeated too many times. The men group also presents good arguments but it is very supported by the argument of the other group. Finally, we emphasize the interesting debate which took place in such a short space of time. Congratulations to both groups. Well done!


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