segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2010

Review - Transparency on Online Education

uc:@Processos Pedagógicos em Elearning-09 Mestrado em Pedagogia do E-Learning Universidade Aberta 2010
The learning object on transparency in Learning that I choose for my review, was made by José Carlos and Paulo Simões.

José and Paulo, in your work show to us how the message must be send, in other words, clear, short and attractive. I think that the best messages are like they done. Theirs animation, in a few minutes, tells to us the main idea of transparency in online education. The message show that with transparency people can see information about each other, transparency improve quality and transparency promotes cooperation in online education.
I liked their learning object that they made with

Pedro Teixeira

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2010

Transparency in Online Education

This learning object was made by me for unit 3. The intention of doing this was to show a different tool.The purpose of the Hot Potatoes is to enable to create interactive Web-based teaching exercises which can be delivered to any Internet-connected computer equipped with a browser. The exercises use HTML and JavaScript to implement their interactiits hotpototoes exercise.

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2010

Transparency In Online Education

This annotated bibliography aims to bring together a set of ideas that result from a survey about "Transparency in Online Education”, conducted in the UC - Processos Pedagógicos em E-Learning, Universidade Aberta

Transparency in Cooperative Online Education

Social networking sites: Transparency in online education


Based on research conducted for this theme I have selected these three papers. These reflect and conclude that the student to publish their work in Web 2.0 environments so as to be accessible to the teacher, but also by his colleagues, allows them greater visibility, transparency and promoting a collaborative work.
Social networking sites with the special kind of communication and interaction is interesting and has a pedagogical potential.